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About Oberlin Cable Co-op

In 1986, Cable Co-op Inc. was established in Oberlin Ohio. Cable Co-op Inc. was structured as a non-profit organization to provide local and cable television services to the City of Oberlin and surrounding township areas. Cable Co-op is governed by a board of subscriber-elected trustees and decisions on program offerings, new services, and operation policies are reviewed and voted on by this board. The Cable Co-op is involved in the community in numerous ways, from filming and broadcasting school board and city meetings to supporting local youth sport teams and organizations, your Cable Co-op goes above and beyond to service your community.

As the industry evolved so did Cable Co-op. What began as a basic cable television provider has grown to offer high speed Internet, high definition, digital cable, and fiber optic based services. The Co-op currently serves over 2,100 homes and businesses. What separates Oberlin Cable Co-op from many cable and Internet providers is their non-profit status and their locally based technical support. You can always count on our customer service technicians to treat you like you should be treated with fast response times, a friendly demeanor, and skilled employees that will always make sure any service based issues are resolved.

The Cable Co-op is located at 27 E. College St, Oberlin, OH 44074. We are downtown, across from the Oberlin Inn and three doors down from the Apollo Theater.


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